Explore and see the residential and commercial savings options

Step 2 Go to getbillsaver.com. Select the Start Saving Now button.

Step 3 You will see the order entry site. Type in any made-up gmail address. Select Home or Business.
Select a State. Select the Continue button.

Step 4. Home Selected. You will see a screen like below. Tap on the bold entries such as Internet to expand for more info. Check out Insurance. Or see Other if you have a question about some service not listed. Hit the Select buttons to choose those services where you would like to lower costs. Now select Proceed To Checkout. You will see what additional info needs to be provided when you are actually going to submit your bills. Then STOP, STOP, STOP. This is just to give you an idea of what to do.

Step 5 Business Selected. This is similar to Home with some extra commercial services. Bill Audit has been expanded in this example.

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